change - one of the most critical and most pressing environmental issues of
today that humanity faces. Presented in the fourth report of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change final scientific data confirming the
reality of global warming caused by human activities [3].
monitoring and research centers exhibit a pronounced tendency to increase in
average temperature. Throughout the twentieth century the average temperature
of the planet has increased by 0.60 C. According to forecasts of the leading
international research centers on the study of climate in this century,
temperatures will rise by 2-5 degrees. That rate of global warming will cause
serious climate change and different ecosystems are threatened with extinction.
Most experts attribute this phenomenon using large amounts of fossil fuels and
the increase in atmospheric concentrations of gases are called greenhouse. A
key indicator is the rate of global warming melting glaciers. To date, this
process is unprecedented in its pace: According to the UN for the last 20 years
of the twentieth century, the average annual melting of glaciers was 0.3
meters, reaching in 2000 by 0.5 meters, and now accelerated to 1.5 meters per
year [ 2].
climate of Ukraine is largely shaped by the global climate and is characterized
by warming event, accompanied by a slight decrease in rainfall. The most
intense warming in Ukraine of 1988-89 clearly posterihayetsya years. In the
past, after this period it is most clearly expressed in the winter months, with
an average monthly temperature of two winter months (January and February)
increased the most. Gradually increasing the temperature summer months, a clear
tendency of a decrease in temperature in November and December. [1]
Change of
temperature and moisture regime in Ukraine, and the development of a large
number of natural phenomena, and further constitute a characteristic feature of
regional climate associated with changes in atmospheric circulation over the
Euro-Atlantic region, causing the growing influence of Atlantic weather Ukraine
[2]. In the last decade was offset to the east (20 º) "centers of
atmosphere" and the Azores Siberian highs (anticyclones), which was
accompanied by increasing the probability of formation of positive anomalies of
temperature in Ukraine in winter.
of the average annual air temperature for 100 years of meteorological
observations showed that the latter was the warmest decade of the XX century.
(1991-2000 years), coldest - the first three decades of the twentieth century.
and forties. As the data on declining average annual air temperature from the
normal period 1999-2006, in the steppe zone of Ukraine, which are reflected in
Figure 1, most years it exceeded the norm by 0,8-2,1 º C [4].
Figure 1
- Average annual air temperature from the norm
for the
period 1990-2000, in the forest-steppe zone
In Kiev,
for the period 1991 - 2005, the average temperature in January was higher by
almost 3 0C in February - 2 0C in March, April, July, August, and for the whole
year - 0.7 - 1.60 C, and in November and December - 0.5 - 0.7 0C lower than
normal (period 1961 - 1990) in May, June, September, October - little has
changed. A similar pattern is observed in other regions of the Forest. The
average annual air temperature is the main characteristic of global warming,
compared to the norm in Forest for 15 years has increased by 0.4-0.7 ° C.
Increasing temperature led to changes in the development of natural processes -
the time of installation and the destruction of the snow cover, changes in the
length of seasons , respectively - of crops, pests and diseases [5].
to the data shown in Figure 2, the 1989 positive and negative deviation values of mean annual air temperature in the zone Polessye
from the norm are in equilibrium. Since 1989, as in other climatic zones of
Ukraine (steppe and forest-steppe), the average annual air temperature is
mostly higher than the rate at 0.5-2.0. Exceptions were only two years - 1993
and 1996, when the average annual air temperature was close to or slightly
lower than the climate norm. Average for 10 years (1999 -2008). deviation of
annual air temperature was about 1.2 ° C plus This confirms that climate change
is an extremely fast pace.
Figure 2
- Average annual air temperature from the norm
for the
period 1961-2008 he was in the area Polessye
Change in
mean air temperature in warm (April - October) and cold (November - March)
periods in the area Polessye like to change this parameter in the central and
southern regions, ie temperature cold period steadily increased since 1989,
later determined the trend of growth it in the warm season.
steppe zone, compared to the steppes and Polesie, changes in annual
temperatures for a standard observation period (1961-1990 years) compared to
the period of observation is a hundred years old - the least 0.2-0.3 0C upward.
Figure 3
- Average annual air temperature from the norm
for the
period 1990-2007, in the steppe zone
of the temperature distribution in the cold season in the steppe regions has
changed in terms of the duration of the onset of warm and cold periods up to
5-10 days.
In recent
years, winter was virtually no long periods of average daily air temperatures
below -5 0C. Decreased and the number of days with very low temperatures (below
-15 - 20 ° C). As a result of these processes have improved conditions for
wintering, reduced rest period wintering crops, frequent years when winter
dormancy in plants was not observed at all.
In the
steppe areas of vegetation of plants is on average 2-3 weeks before long-term.
plants available resources, as well as their wintering conditions are
determined by the annual course of temperature. Contemporary climate change
accompanied by a transformation of the periodic (daily and annual) component
temperatures, which can cause both positive and negative consequences for
agriculture. For example, extending the growing season possible, of course, a
positive factor, but reduce the period of grain filling and accelerated
ripening often lead to a decrease in yield. Change in diurnal temperature, in
turn, may lead to changes in the timing and frequency of occurrence of frost,
shifting relationship between photosynthesis and respiration of plants, other
effects, including favorable conditions for pests and diseases.
Under the
current rate of increase in temperature will often warm winter wintering crop
pests, plant pathogens, weeds, which adversely affect the development of crops.
estimate that climate change is already in the first two decades of the
twenty-first century. High fever can occur in all months and seasons. However,
the possibility will remain extremely cold periods, months, seasons. Since the
beginning of the XXI century., Extremely cold winters may occur 1 every 10-15
years, with a probability of 10-15%. In the twenty-first century. expected
slight decrease in temperature difference between the seasons, which will be
most felt in the northern steppes.
to local researchers [6], climate change for over 10 years as reflected in the
productivity of crops and in the phytosanitary condition agrocenosis Ukraine,
which has been deteriorating steadily. Since the response of biological systems
to external stimuli is not linear, we should expect significant ecological crises
in the agricultural domain. To domestic agricultural science faced a daunting
task: to explore agri-environmental effects due to warming, and ground
adaptation measures agrosphere.
1. The
climate of Ukraine / Ed. VM Lipinski, VA Dyachuk, VM Babichenko. - K.: Type of
Raevskogo, 2003. - 343 p.
National Report on the State of Environment in Ukraine in 2009. - Ministry of
Environmental Protection of Ukraine, 2009. - 282 p.
3. Sytnyk
K., B. Bagnyuk biosphere and climate: Past, Present and Future / / Bulletin of
the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, № 9, 2006. - P.3-20.
Meteorological phenomena in Ukraine over the last two decades (1986-2005) / Ed.
VM Lipinski, VI Osadchiy, VM Babichenko. - K.: Nick Center, 2006. - 312 c.
Chaika, VN Climate Change and phytosanitary condition of the forest agrocenosis
[Text] / V. Chaika, TI Adamenko / / Agronomist. - 2008. - № 2. - S. 10-12.
Seagull VM, Melnychuk MD, Grygoryuk IP Global climate change - the threat of
biological resources in Ukraine / / Bioresources planet: Seagull VM, Melnychuk
MD, Grygoryuk IP Global climate change - the threat of biological resources in
Ukraine / / Bioresources planet: social, biological, food and energy problems. Kyiv, 2008. - P.28-38.
very informative article!!!
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